Friday, December 24, 2010

Project DSLR: Stage 5 complete!

Well, I forced poor Hubs to go to the dump on his day off. Out went the old brown couch, the broken items (keyboard, Rock Band drums, green leather chair), the crib (killed me to throw it out but that drop-down style has been recalled so you can't resell), various boxes and bags of junk and garbage.

So all that was left was for me to vacuum and do some minor rearranging, and voila! (Keep in mind that the console tv is up on Kijiji, as is the Ikea coffee table-- the base of which is currently being used as a stand for the airhockey table-- and so just erase them from the pictures, okay?)

Oh, and I REALLY need to do a good carpet shampooing but seeing as a certain DICKens just dumped an entire, brand-new bottle of $30 shampoo down the toilet, that will have to wait.

Oh, and imagine all the hockey gear put away behind that closet door there. Where its supposed to be, like I said to do before I took this picture!

And yes, that is the damn sheephead on that table. I'll get around to putting it up someday.

See how Gunnar's laptop and all the PS3 stuff fits so nicely in that desk? We store all the airhockey pucks and paddles in the deep drawer.

And now for the rest of the downstairs, which has already been organized and 'put together' for over a year, but which Lena just had to 'display' for viewers, a la Barker's Beauties.

And then, because I kept snapping blurry pics and she was getting annoyed...

And there you have it, our entire downstairs is now decorated, organized, arranged, cleaned and looking pretty fan-damn-tastic! Loveit.

1 comment:

mama hagar said...

I personally witnessed this area on December 27 and was absolutely amazed at how a just something rearranged and dejunked (fabulous focus on the spaciousness of the room), repositioned (putting all the antiques in one area now looks like a collection), reutilized (ie., desk for storing game components) and of course the children's very own Christmas tree!

BeauSaxon, this was a project I know you've wanted to accomplish for a long time but I truly believe time was on your side. With time comes ideas, with ideas come excitement and with excitement, of course, comes the joy and thrill of being creative. Instead of a "chore" this project was obviously one of love.

It's a fabulous family room.

It's also the room I heard Levi scream hysterically from, like a wii baby, when playing the PS3 cabela's 2011 hunt. That gun, apparently, is bigger (which makes sense because you play with it). I tried to explain the difference of the two systems to Levi, who was horrified that his mother heard his girlish scream from upstairs.

Go figure. WII versus PLAY. This is a NSFW reference that horrifies Levi even more so because it originated from the mind of his MOTHER.