Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Seriously, its just my luck

Such as... Where the heck did I put my black wallet?

A few months ago I decided to switch wallets and so I transferred most of what I considered 'important' cards to the new one. You know, the debit card, credit card, ID, etc. Thinking that I wouldn't need my birth certificate, SIN card or ABH card I (stupidly) left them in the old wallet. After all, if I ever did need them I could just grab them out of that wallet. Right? But what happens when you can't find that wallet?

Madness. Utter mayhem and chaos. Searching the house high and low, tearing apart closets, frantically searching the hundred or so purses in my collection (and why is it that we females need so many darn purses? a mystery of the universe), looking through any and all boxes of stuff I'd put away in storage, making the kids search their rooms on the off chance Ryderman did a wallet relocation (which he's done before with keys, Ty's wallet, the cell phones, money, the list goes on). Then, when I'd exhausted all possible options with still no sign of the wallet, I gave up reluctantly and had to admit defeat.

I knew that most likely what happened was that the little DICKens must have gotten a hold of it and either threw it in the garbage or put in some totally random place (though where that place could be I had no clue, as I really had torn apart the entire household). So off to the Registries office I went and applied for a new birth certificate. I was thisclose to filling out the application for a replacement ABH card right then and there; however, upon seeing the pages and pages of info required (the card is for ME dammit! why do they need to know about spouses and dependents, arrrrgh), I shelved it for a later date. I did bring home the application form though, as well as the form for a replacement SIN card. What a hassle.

So I received my new birth certificate in the mail the other day and was quite unimpressed with how massive it was. Seriously, it almost letter-size! My lost one was tiny and blue and laminated, but more importantly, it fit in the card slot in my wallet! How the heck are you supposed to carry around these new ones? I guess you're not, they're probably meant to be kept in a filing cabinet until you actually need to produce it for some reason. In which case you'd bring it in a manila envelope or something? Anyway, I digress.

I am the Queen of Procrastination so I kept putting off applying for those other two cards. But just yesterday I decided that either today or tomorrow, I would fill in the forms and take them in. Before I did that, though, I had a sudden thought to go through my "receipt box" (seriously, I have a giant box full of nothing but receipts from the last year. EVERY single receipt I've ever been given. What is wrong with me?). So picture me standing there, going through every receipt, all eleventy-billion of them, throwing the majority out but keeping the ones needed for warranty and tax purposes and whatnot. After about half an hour of this, I had almost reached the bottom of the box and what did my disbelieving eyes come across....?

THE BLACK WALLET!! Oh hallelujah, glory day, and praise be to God. I immediately opened it up and YES, lo and behold, my cards! The blue laminated birth certificate, my old battered AHC card, and the SIN card. Yessss!! Of course, after my happy dance I then had to immediately phone someone because this was the find of the century, believe you me. Mom was the lucky recipient of that giddy phone call. And of course, now it just kills me that I wasted $40 on a new birth certificate. Doh!

But seriously, what would ever possess me to throw my wallet in the receipt box? My brain takes a permanent vacation sometimes, I swear.

1 comment:

mama hagar said...

Oh this is another just way too funny post. Sax, your rants are mini stories in themselves and what great entertainment!

Blame Ryderman. I used to always blame Trapper because that's just something he would have done, rearranged stuff from one place to another (but if you asked him, he'd remember and show you so actually, this isn't a real good example because Ryderman gives you that look of HA, go eat hitshay, whatareugoingtodoaboutit look, HA. Yes, we love you little Ryderman, you're number four and we love you even more, ha.