Friday, December 31, 2010

Who'da thunk?

I may or may not be a tad bit tipsy as I write this, but did you know that Baby Duck is NOT simply sparkling juice? It is real wine! 7% alcohol content! WTF? So all those years of Mom and Dad giving us Baby Duck on NYE, they were feeding us REAL booze! Wow. That puts a different spin on my childhood NYE memories. Maybe all those times we 'pretended' to be drunk, weren't so pretend after all! Bahahaahahahah!

So I gave Ryder a shot-glass full of Baby Duck, he absolutely loved it and then drank his sister's glass (she HATED it!). Then he wanted another shot-glass full. Meanwhile, I'm still thinking its non-alcoholic. (Though I wondered why it smelled so 'realistic'.)

Then a half hour later, during supper, he gets a queer look on his face and ralphs all over his plate! Which is when I went in for a closer look at the bottle and realized I got my little boy semi-drunk and he puked because of it!

Wow, Parent of the Year award here.


mama hagar said...

HAHAHAHA .. If you could make it to midnight, your dad and I thought you deserved a good shot (and besides, it made you all sleep like a baby while your dad and I kept the party going, if you know what I mean).

Back in my day, let's say 35 years ago, it was also the cheapest wine in the world and it's been around FOREVER .. in fact, husband #1 and I used to slam a bottle before going to a party so it wouldn't take us much more booze to keep the buzz going all night. That's one to add to that infamous essay you wrote, BeauSaxon, on the art of being cheap.

WildGirl said...

Well now I know why my older boys kept refilling their wine glasses! Haha. I posted what I'd done on facebook and everyone who commented on it was like, "Duh! Of course its alcohol. You didn't know?" Stephanie said that's what they drank in high school (I then replied that WE drank Silent Sam and Sambuca, bahaha, remember that?). So I guess at my ripe old age of 30 I'm still learning new things! yet another blonde moment, eh?