Monday, January 5, 2009

The Diva Princess's new room

Mom came over yesterday and we spent like, what, four hours cleaning, organizing and rearranging Milena's bedroom. I reealllly should have taken a 'before' picture, because the 'after' is amazing! And its not even totally finished yet. Mom and I have plans next month to paint all her bedroom furniture (bed, desk, bedside table, shelving unit) cotton candy pink!! (Also needing to be painted: the wall beside her bed, which she has been using as her personal canvas.) Its going to look sweeeeet!!!

But seriously, you would not believe the rough shape her room was in before we did all this. I'd made sure her room was totally cleaned and organized before the Christmas madness, cleared out a few old toys to make room for new ones, yadda yadda. But in a matter of days, it was like a cyclone had hit -- clothes strewn about, all her 'old' toys taken out of their boxes and bins, crusty dried playdough bits on the carpet, her 'new' toys in massive piles everywhere. You literally had to wade through all that just to reach her bed. *shudder*

And of course, me being me, Miss Procrastination, I'd see the mass destruction in there every night when I tucked her in, think to myself I REALLY need to get this room cleaned, I'll do it tomorrow, this time I really will! A week went by like this. The mess continued to grow. Finally, I made a plan, did up a big list (that's a sign I really am going to do something - if I make a list, lol), and then the phone rang and it was Mom, saying she wanted to come over the next day and help me. Us two are really on the same wavelength, I swear.

So Lena was ECSTATIC about her "new" room. I'd put her down for a nap while Mom and I were halfway done her room, so when she woke up hours later, she made a mad dash for her room, threw open the door... and squealed! It was pretty cute. She was so happy and thrilled.

Just wait until all her furniture is cotton candy pink and we have all her stuff organized in pretty bins, with her new wall shelves installed, and her pink tulle bed canopy up. *sigh* I can't wait!

(I debated posting a picture of what it looks like now, but I think I'll wait until next month, when we do the painting and all that. THEN I'll post a pic. You'll be stunned and shocked and amazed... at how awesome my mom and I are. HAHA!)


Anonymous said...

Don't tell Lena, ever ever, BeauSaxon, but remember how Ardan would come in every once in a while and say "ah crap, it's still messy"? Well, before I left I snuck up to him and whispered "Lena's sleeping but if you promise never to tell Lena you got to see her room first, I'll let you take a peek, kay?" He was so startled that I had offered him the opportunity of having a "secret" that he immediately dropped his DS on the couch and because I had "whispered," he tippy toed down the hallway and when I opened the door to her room he walked in, walked then stood right in the middle of the room and did a slow complete circle of the room, with his mouth hanging open, then said "holy shit"


WildGirl said...