Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wow, this is a flashback...

Hey guys, I'm going to do a little something here I'm calling "Beau's Classified Ads". I have a few things I don't want anymore and I thought that first I'd offer them to anyone interested (or if you know anyone who might be), before I take them in to Value Village or put them in the paper. It takes me back to the 'good old days' of working in Classifieds at the Advocate. Let's see if I've still got it, here we go...

ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree, 6.5' Canadian pine. Used for 4 years. Good condition, some bottom branches droop. GIVEN AWAY

BABY SWING, Fisher Price Smart Stages 3-in-1, 3 speeds, music. Excellent condition, used less than a year. Paid $150, asking $50 o.b.o.

BOYS winter coat from Please Mum, size 6 (I think), gray and yellow. Good condition. FREE!

RETRO record player (60s-70s style), pink, maybe 3' tall, with bubble-dome top, comes with adorable round speakers, missing needle but works, also plays radio I believe. Would probably fetch me a pretty price on Ebay but who wants the hassle of setting that up. FREE!

IKEA dresser unit, about 2.5' tall and 3' wide, structure is wood covered with plastic "cardboard" (does that make sense? lol), has four large 'plastic-cardboard' deep drawers that come right out. A little wobbly and banged up, but gets the job done. FREE!

STORAGE tower with 5 drawers (3 small, 2 large), clear plastic, I have way too many of these things and nothing to put in them, FREE!

BABY exer-saucer, with activities and farm animal toys, chicken makes sounds when batteries are installed (which I never got around to doing), 2 of the 3 legs are detached so I have to round up the springs and fix it. Great condition, lots of fun for baby. FREE!

DIAPER pail, Safety First, the kind where you put the dirty diaper in, push down on the lid and it seals the diaper in, no stench! Still has lots of bags left in it. The bottom tends to come off easily but nothing that strong tape won't fix. FREE!

I think that's it for now. Please please please say you'll come and take some of these things off my hands. My laundry room has become the storage area for all this unwanted stuff and its driving me crazy! If you're interested, leave a comment (not putting my phone number or email addy on the blog but if you're in my 'circle of trust' and know them, call or email me). Thanks guys! Spread the word. I'm too lazy (and cheap) to get rid of this stuff in the paper and driving all the way to Red Deer, with the kids, just to go to Value Village pisses me off. Haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK I'd like to take the xmas tree for my work site, Sax, but becauase I'm strongly encouaging you to work in your laundry room the month of January as a token birthday gift for you that if these items are still there when the end of the month rolls around and I haul in the sewing table then that's it .. I'm going to be hauling them away.

That a deal? You're bloggers have less than a month to put dibs on these items.

See you tonight.