Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wow, that's... irrational

Have you ever had a dream where someone close to you did something that made you feel so angry or betrayed or jealous or hurt, that when you woke up you were utterly enraged at that person? You KNOW you are being irrational, it was a dream! Yet, you can't help feeling like that. If that person's dream-transgression was really hurtful, you might even find yourself being mean to them or trying to pick a fight so you can accuse that person of doing something that they didn't even do!

That's what I'm going through this morning. I went to bed last night a little ticked off at Hubs, so maybe that's what brought the dream on. I had a very lonnngggg day yesterday, spent two hours with Ardan and the two little ones in the walk-in clinic (Ardan has strep throat) and you know how hellish that is. When we finally got out of there, we had just enough time to whip home and get ready to make the long trip to Wetaskiwin for Gunnar's afternoon hockey game. When we got home later that night around 7pm, all of us were starving and dead tired. I mean, I was so tired at the beginning of the day I fell asleep two times in the clinic's waiting room. I have no idea how I drove to Wetaskiwin and back without falling asleep at the wheel. It was a nightmare.

Early yesterday morning Tyler had taken Ardan to his hockey game, so that was nice of him, but when we left for Wet. (I'm tired of typing it out) he said he was going out quadding with all his buddies. Okay, fine, didn't really care, have fun babe. But when we got home and I saw that Tyler was there, I was like "Phew, he's here. He probably has supper ready for us so my dog-tired ass doesn't have to deal with that." Um, no. Why would I think that? He'd been home for 45 minutes but had laid on the couch the whole time. What the heck is wrong with men? Why can't they ever take the initiative and do something nice or thoughtful for us women? I just wanted to cry. I was so tired, the house was a mess, and I had to scrounge up something for supper.

So that is why I went to bed a little ticked off with the guy. Slipped into a peaceful slumber where I had the most amazing dream that my entire family was at this ten-star hotel and we were treated like royalty, it was awesome. Halfway through the dream, things started to change. Tyler's buddies showed up at the hotel, wanting to party with him. They all went to this huge hotel room and partied like animals, while I stayed downstairs with my mom and brothers and we had dinner. A while later I decided to slip up to the room and surprise Tyler by partying with him and his friends. Well. BIG SURPRISE! There's my hubby on the bed with his buddies all around him, hooting and hollering and cheering him on, while some perfect-ten blond bimbo was going down on him! OMFG! I'm sure you can all guess my reaction. I didn't realize how bloodthirsty I am, at least in dreams. People were screaming and running out of the room, the blond was begging for her life, and my dumbass hubby had the incredible nerve to tell me, "Honey, we agreed that that's not considered cheating!"

WHAT?!?! NEVER in my life, real or dreamland, have I EVER said or agreed to that. I kinda went medieval on his ass. Dream-Tyler was minus a precious asset.

So needless to say, when I woke up I was out for blood. Even more enraged when I realized he'd already left for work. So I couldn't even take out my totally-irrational-and-insane anger on him. Argh! I even contemplated sending him a text like "Met any blond bimbos lately?" Then I calmed down, a pot of coffee and a few chain-smokes later. Which is why I'm writing this blog post, its acting as therapy for me right now.

In my heart I KNOW he would never do that and I have trust in him, completely. But dreams like that, they do something to your psyche, find those little chinks in your emotional armor. So I'm choosing to look on the bright side -- how lucky am I that I am not in that position, like so many wives out there are.

I think I need to stop reading all those celebrity blind items. (To see what I mean, click here.)


Anonymous said...

You're a nut. He's so much like your dad - after all, only one gal could ever love someone who talked while eating, spitting food all over the place, someone who has dirty or long nails, someone who has KIDS (and in your case, they'd think he was contagious just sitting close to him because he produces a CHILD every 3 years!)


Anonymous said...

By the way, oral sex is cheating whether you touch the person or not unless you're into the couples swing movement.


WildGirl said...

I completely agree, it is SO cheating. And the swing thing ain't happenin' any time soon - UNLESS Brad & Angie give us a call, of course!