Friday, January 9, 2009

22 Reasons Why My 1-yr Old is a Genius

  1. When I say "up!" he knows that means to go up the stairs, and he does it.
  2. If you say "What's that sound?" he cocks his head and listens.
  3. Without any prompting or encouragement, he picks up his toys and puts them in the toy box.
  4. He's got some sweeeet dance moves -- the squat, shoulder-shaking, the butt wriggle, arm swinging, and most recently, head-banging (a Rockband Metallica song brought THAT one on, oh yeah, this kid is a Kasha for sure! There we were playing the game, singing and playing the instruments, and he comes a'running and starts head-banging. CLASSIC!).
  5. Just the other day he learned something new - spinning in a circle, or as we call it, "twirling". In fact, whenever he'd start doing it I'd sing a little song, so now as soon as I start singing the song he starts twirling. Here's the song (sung to the tune of "Fishheads", Christine will know exactly what song I'm talking about): "Twir-ling, twir-ling, twirling in a cir-cle" and I just sing that over and over.
  6. When I say to him, "Go get on your couch" he immediately runs into the livingroom and lays down on his little foam couch.
  7. He's figured out how to open pop-off lids with his teeth; for example, shampoo bottles, mini M&Ms tubes, etc. This is not necessarily always a good thing -- he got into the bathroom and before I came along and caught him, he'd emptied my brand new bottle of Olay face wash (and it wasn't cheap) all over the floor and was finger-painting with it. *sigh*
  8. He knows when we are trying to trick him by luring him into his room so we can close the door and "trap" him in there. And he wants nothing to do with us, just ignores all our pathetic attempts ("Look Ryder, toys! TOYS!") and does his own thing.
  9. When I tell him "give that to me", he hands it right over.
  10. Ask him a question and he'll say "yesshhh" ("Do you want a cheese-string? Are you hungry?" Yesshh!)
  11. Give him a brush or comb and he starts brushing his hair.
  12. When I say "Bathtime!" he runs straight for the bathroom, goes to the toy box under the sink and starts throwing bath toys into the tub. Then tries to crawl in before he's even been undressed or there's even water in it.
  13. The kid is a mini-stick champion. (You know, those tiny adorable mini hockey sticks?)
  14. I only had to show him two times how to go down the stairs on his belly and he caught on. Now he just straightens his body and slides down in like five seconds. Its hilarious!
  15. He knows what you mean when you say, "give hugs", "give kisses", "gimme five!", "dance", "where's the kitties?", "clap hands", "wave!", "come here", "Daddy's home!" (that one is so sweet, he runs full-out for the baby gate and starts waving and yelling "Da! Da!"), "sit down", and of course, "No!". Now, just because he knows all this, doesn't mean he chooses to listen. He's got selective hearing. Typical male.
  16. At six months old he somehow knew, without anyone teaching him, to take a toy car and move it back and forth while making "vroom vroom" sounds. Blame it on ingrained male behaviour or genetics. They just KNOW.
  17. If someone says "Whoever wants [or likes] *insert object here, like say, ice cream*, put up the hand!" he puts up his hand.
  18. He got a little toy tiger for Christmas and I saw him the other day playing with it, saying "Rowr!"
  19. Give him a phone (toy or real) and he puts it to his ear and says "I!" (babytalk for Hi).
  20. If you say "snack time!" he runs for his highchair.
  21. When I say, "Let's go to Gramma's house!" he starts looking for his coat.
  22. He's a Simcoe-Kasha. 'Nuff said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, my little Ryderman. You can't see it, BeauSaxon, but I see the spitting (or is it splitting) image of you in him so when he's two years old and is kicking the side of your vehicle shouting "Fuck, Fuck" because it's locked, just remember that this is what we call an appropriate situation to use that word.
