Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Project Laundry-Room: Update

So my wonderful mom has taken her disorganized daughter under her maternal wing and kick-started some house projects. Ones that I myself have been meaning to get to in the last FOUR YEARS of living here (told you I was Miss Procrastinator), but either didn't have the inclination or energy or even a clue of where to begin.

You all know that mom helped me with Lena's room - that project is taking a brief hiatus until February. For now, we have been working in my laundry room. And when I say "we" I mean her, my mom. Haha. She's the brain and brawn behind all this, although I will say I have contributed a few ideas. So don't think all I do is sit around and look pretty, lol.

I am so frickin' excited with how my laundry room is turning out. It already looks completely different. When its finally done, it will be unrecognizable (especially to Hubs, who only sees that room when he grabs bait from the freezer).

With the help of mom's guy friend we got the fridge and upright freezer moved to a better location; the storage closet was cleaned out of all the spare coats (now we have all the holiday stuff in there); we cleared out ALL the storage items and stuff for Value Village (Mom's storing it in her garage if anyone is still interested); and we moved my big desk in beside the washer and dryer -- it fits perfectly! I was then able to relocate the litter box and cat food/water dishes to under the desk in there, rather than in the toy area. I realized yesterday how bad of a spot that area was for the litter box when I caught Ryder happily playing in it (thankfully clean and empty-of-poop!), not just once but three times! Even though it was clean and had fresh litter, that's just... UGH!

Thanks to my on-the-spot thinking, we had the idea to move the wire shelves from the 'hockey' closet into the laundry room, against the wall by the door. It fit so perfectly, it was like it should have been there all along. I have been wanting and needing some shelves in there for so long, somewhere to put extra blankets or bedding (in bins, of course), somewhere to hang-dry clothes, stuff like that. It was literally a dream come true to get that shelving installed.

Now all we have left to do is finish the holiday-storage closet (get bins for each holiday, like one for Halloween stuff, one for Valentines, LOTS for Christmas, you know), get mom's little sewing desk in there for all my sewing stuff, have Levi do the sink-stuff he wants to do (he's making an enclosure for the big sink so you can't see the legs AND he's giving me a brand new faucet!! You rock Levi!), bring in a nice big area rug, and maybe put up some curtains and picture frames.

It is going to be absolutely BEAUTIFUL in there. I am so excited. I'll definitely post a picture once its all done. You guys are going to be soooo jealous! Haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This project is taking much longer than I had anticipated but it's SOOOOOOO much fun. What BeauSaxon neglected to mention was that I am trying to quit smoking so I thought a project would help me overcome the nic cravings and bulking up on extra food (I'd be so tired at night that I'd just crash). While that resolution is somewhat on track, I'm ever so thankful that you've allowed me to help myself, through you. At your age I can't boss you around like my child so we treat each other like adults and then when the buzzer rings and we sit down for a break and brainstorm ideas, magic erupts! Hey, and we're finding lost articles in the process, eh? LOL
